Welcome home, sister
Your guides are standing by you as you enter the temple gates—a sanctuary for your heart to expand, your womb to soften, and your soul to remember your feminine wisdom. I invite you to drop into your body and simply be. As you begin to embrace the fullness of who you are, will you allow yourself to be held with our gentle support?
Welcome home, sister. 🌹 Beyond its physical location, which is my home Temple in Montreal, Womb of the Rose is an energetic field where the feminine’s beauty and magic are remembered as sacred.
Within this virtual space, you will come across various offerings that I have carefully put together—opening a portal for you to drop into your body, soften your heart, and reconnect with your physical and/or energetic womb. The somatic practices I will guide you through have unlocked deep magic within me, and I hope to share these as timeless teachings you can integrate into your self-care rituals.
When entering the Temple, I invite you to come as you are, feel, express, and receive what you need. As a Womb of the Rose Priestess, I am devoted to serving my sisters by witnessing and celebrating them in the truth of their wholeness. Nervous system co-regulation, which is the art of connecting with another to heal any type of relational wounding, is at the core of my practice. I firmly believe that we need each other and Mother Earth's support, as we journey back to our roots and break free from old paradigms. Whether in the intimate setting of my home or in community, you will be safely held and connected to, no matter what season you are in at this time.
We meet in sacred ceremony, which begins long before the Temple gates will be open to welcome you. I will thoroughly cleanse the space, offer prayers to the altar, alchemize the plant medicine, sit in meditation and call upon the Spirit of the Rose to hold loving space for us, initiating you to expand your heart and descend back into your womb. Each aspect of this sanctuary is curated with presence, facilitating transformation on all levels.
The guiding principles of Womb of the Rose are empowerment through vulnerability, trust in our womb consciousness, and nurturing sisterhood. I also have two cat guardians who are likely to make an appearance during your stay. They are very intuitive and connected to the spiritual realm. ♡♡

Meaning “crown,” I believe this name was chosen for me, not by chance, but as part of my soul’s deepest calling—a journey of remembering the Priestess path and guiding my fellow sisters back to the reverence of their sacred womb temple, where inner union and sovereignty can be reborn.
My deep passion for sisterhood, cyclical living, and collective womb healing was born from the pain I’ve experienced among other women, my inner yeses and nos that didn't have a voice, the detachment I have felt from my body growing up, and the internal shame that kept me numb and small for far too long.
Generations of patriarchy, sister wounding and trauma, had completely cut me off from my cyclical wisdom, armoring both my heart and my womb from experiencing connection. As I began to unlearn the protective belief systems that kept me in a state of separation from myself and other women, I felt and trusted the calling to sit in circle with them—and in the midst of coming together in the most vulnerable way... I found the medicine. I was home.
I am finally experiencing a world where it IS possible to rise together in unity consciousness, hold one another with tenderness, and celebrate the beauty of our shared voices. If you feel a soul spark upon receiving this transmission, just know that you too are meant to be surrounded by an entire village of daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers who honor you in your authenticity. As we remember the sacredness of the divine mother that pulses within all of us, we are co-creating a new legacy of love.
I am an intuitive woman, daughter of the moon, Priestess of the womb, feminine embodiment guide and Reiki master, here to facilitate a trauma-informed space for both your light and your shadow to be embraced and integrated at your own pace.
May you receive these offerings as an act of liberation and devotion to your womb temple. Trusting your heart is an art, a spiritual practice, a healing gift to yourself, your ancestors, and children of the Earth. I am honored to be of service and walk this path with you…
“When the rose is gone and the rose garden fallen to ruin, where will you seek the scent of a rose?” - Rumi
She is an aphrodisiac muse who unravels her medicine when you are ready to receive her. With a vibration of 320 MHz, the rose holds the highest frequency within the floral realm. Her fossils have been traced back to approximately 30 millions of years, making her one of the most ancient plant teachers to have ever blossomed on Earth.
Extremely high in vitamin C, roses contain over 300 unique natural compounds in their petals, leaves, and essential oils, which is why they are widely used in aromatherapy, skincare, hormonal/reproductive health, and medicinal applications.
Often recognized as an oracle of love, sensuality, compassion, and beauty, her essence has been embodied by many Goddesses and Priestesses from all around the world, including Isis, Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, and Inanna. The Rose Lineage originated from the sacred geometry of planet Venus, who traces a breathtaking five-petaled rose pattern around the Earth every eight years. As a cosmic guardian of ancient mysteries, you can call upon the rose to be your guide as you learn to trust in the unfolding of your own inner wisdom.
The mystical connection between the heart, the womb, and the rose is rooted in their shared symbolism, as all three are vessels of eternal love, sacred intimacy, feminine intuition, and blossoming creation. The rose's petals and thorns reflect the duality of the empowered woman—delicate yet resilient, soft and assertive, open-hearted with defined boundaries.
You will notice the rose spirit journeying alongside us through my offerings, providing a sense of protection, ancestral healing, and emotional regulation.

“Until the spiritual woman will have fallen in love with the miraculous starting point of all creation, which is the deep, dark void within her womb, she will always feel as though something is missing.” - Stéfania

The womb is more than just a physical organ. Beyond being a giver of human life, she carries the original blueprint of all creation, is a portal between the spiritual and earthly realm, as well as a powerful channel of communication between yourself and your maternal lineage.
The ancient Egyptians revered the Ankh, a symbol representing the womb, eternal life, and sacred union between the masculine and the feminine. This timeless symbol is a testament to the Goddess who was once worshiped and recognized as a divine being and keeper of feminine mysteries. 𓋹
When connecting with our womb, we not only reclaim our sacredness, but also surrender to our cyclical nature, syncing us with the rhythms of the Universe. Just like the moon, our womb waxes and wanes through 13 cycles of life, death, stillness, and rebirth of approximately 28 days per year, while men have a 24-hour hormonal cycle that mirrors the sun.
Water, also influenced by the moon, governs our body's sacral chakra, the energetic seat of our creativity, intuition, sensuality, vitality, joy, authentic desire, expression, and pleasure. Immersing ourselves in earthly wombs such as oceans, rivers, and waterfalls has the power to take us back to the nurturing element of our mother's womb, reconnecting us to our organic ebb and flow.
As multi-dimensional beings, tuning into the sacredness of our womb gives us direct access to the unmanifested void—higher levels of consciousness. In many ancient cultures, menstrual blood was embraced as the elixir of life, a source of power, magic, and connection to the mysteries beyond death. They recognized that the veil between women and the divine was especially thin during their bleed, allowing them to activate their healing abilities and receive deeper prophecies. Some cultures even used moon blood in rituals, or as sacred offerings to the Earth and the Gods, making it a potent gift of renewal.
You will receive...
Nervous System Theory
Explore your unique nervous system blueprint by mapping and learning how to navigate your manifesting triggers and glimmers.
Authentic Integration
Reflect at your own pace and integrate the teachings in a supportive environment to promote healing and avoid overwhelm.
Practice & Rituals
Expand your receptive capacity for more joy, money, love and opportunities by taking aligned steps towards what your heart needs and desires.
Receiving Abundance
Become a witness of all the prosperous deliciousness flowing into your life by allowing new, feel-good, and safe experiences with receiving. Repeat & expand.

Are you feeling the activation?
In your body.
Overflowing with life-force energy.
Practicing embodiment means to fully inhabit and experience one's body by cultivating an intimate awareness of physical sensations and internal states. To fully embody a feeling, we must provide it with two fundamental things:
1. A body as a tangible form of expression
2. Our ultimate, undivided presence
To practice embodiment, pay attention to the sensations within your body as they occur and consider the context or root of these impulses. This heightened consciousness helps you understand the thoughts and beliefs you hold about yourself, others, or various situations. Embodiment is especially useful during life transitions, as it becomes a portal for emotions to be felt before completing their cycle. Regular check-ins and mindfulness exercises enhance nervous system health, as well as your ability to adapt to challenging situations.

1 hr 30 min
145 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
145 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
145 Canadian dollars- Available OnlineRead More
Let's gather in circle with your loved ones to celebrate life's sacred cycles
2 hr
Prices will vary